Thursday, July 15, 2010


Coincidently this is my blog.

After sitting here wondering where to start, I thought words might be a good topic. First thing you should know is that I have a passion for the English language. I'm very much Gen Y, but I find great satisfaction in using proper grammar, spelling and apostrophes. Currently I'm trying to remove "got" from my vocabulary but it is proving quite difficult.

I also like buttons. Forget the iPhone, I love having a full qwerty keyboard. While my Nokia E71 has the battle scars of a 22 year old's social life, I love it and have come to accept its latest imperfection of a broken hang-up button.

So what am I doing with my life at the moment... not much actually. But I am rectifying this!

I've just completed the specialist training to become a RAAF Pilot or Air Combat Officer (wow!), but by no means have I been accepted yet. I still have the psychological testing, medical, job interview, group work and fitness testing to pass.

After early departures from mechanical engineering and surveying and nearly five years since completing VCE, I haven't done much (career-wise) with my life. I can't say I regret leaving uni last year as it was driving me insane, I'd worked the previous summer holidays as a surveyor's assistant and couldn't have been less interested in the job. Sledgehammering pegs into paddocks and adjusting occupation boundaries to the nearest three millimetres was mind-numbingly frustrating. On paper the job looked like it would suit me well; heavily maths based, working outdoors, using CAD to draw up plans. Unfortunately the reality was that it is a very repetitive job which I found as enjoyable as working at Kmart for 4 years.

I have to say I'm very excited at the prospect of joining the Defense Force, currently working full time at a tennis shop which has made me realise I want a career where I use my brain on a day-to-day basis. I'm incredibly lucky that my boss is one of the best blokes you'll ever meet and that I'm working in an industry I have had an interest in my whole life, but the days are beginning to drag on a bit.

Seems like a good start to my blog, I think I'll go to sleep now. I will endeavour to continue posting.